We offer a number of small groups and classes throughout the year.
Praise Point Church offers a number of opportunities to grow in your faith and knowledge of God's Word through small groups and teaching classes. Some of these groups meet weekly or monthly for a season, while others have continued to meet as a group for years. These gatherings are designed with a time of prayer, caring, sharing, and discipleship. Classes are offered at different times during the year and can be joined at any time. For a full list of classes and groups being offered, or to see when the next classes begin, please contact the church office or fill out the form below.

Here are some Examples of classes offered

GROW IN HIS WORD is designed to help the student learn about the Word of God in an orderly manner, to give a sense of confidence in the Bible, and be comfortable using it to teach others or to share their faith. Because of the acrostics that are used to designate time periods in the Old and New Testaments and the life of Christ, a believer can remember what he or she has learned and even, hopefully, where to find it.
The adult material is a four-book series with a total of 52 lessons that take students through both the Old and New Testaments, as well as Church history. Although not every chapter of the Bible will be read, students will be reading much of the Bible throughout the study. In addition, each lesson includes application questions to create discussion and hopefully some spiritual wrestling.
The adult material is a four-book series with a total of 52 lessons that take students through both the Old and New Testaments, as well as Church history. Although not every chapter of the Bible will be read, students will be reading much of the Bible throughout the study. In addition, each lesson includes application questions to create discussion and hopefully some spiritual wrestling.
The Real God

There is a deep sense of unease in our rapidly changing world. We all know something has been lost but don’t know why or where it all leads. Popular culture says it’s all about me – that the end justifies the means, that love means self-satisfaction, that status and appearance are what count. And this ultimately self-destructive perspective has thoroughly infiltrated the church as confusion replaces conviction. The way back, the path of hope, starts with knowing God for who He really is.
In this in-depth study of seven attributes of God – His goodness, sovereignty, holiness, wisdom, justice, love, and faithfulness – you’ll see Him in a whole new light. It will change the way you think about God, yourself, and others. You will pray and live with a deep peace and a renewed purpose as you see Him as He longs to be seen.
In this in-depth study of seven attributes of God – His goodness, sovereignty, holiness, wisdom, justice, love, and faithfulness – you’ll see Him in a whole new light. It will change the way you think about God, yourself, and others. You will pray and live with a deep peace and a renewed purpose as you see Him as He longs to be seen.
Love and Respect

There will be three major questions asked and answered in the course:
1. Why do we negatively react to each other in marriage? This will be explained in what is called the Crazy Cycle.
2. How do I best motivate my spouse? The Energizing Cycle answers this question.
3. What if my spouse does not respond to me? The Rewarded Cycle informs us what to do.
1. Why do we negatively react to each other in marriage? This will be explained in what is called the Crazy Cycle.
2. How do I best motivate my spouse? The Energizing Cycle answers this question.
3. What if my spouse does not respond to me? The Rewarded Cycle informs us what to do.
How to Study the Bible

This class provides a condensed training course in how to study the Bible. We’ll consider why this one book is so critical to our faith, and we’ll get answers to questions like, Why do we study the Bible? Who can do this? How do we do this? To answer this last question, a dependable approach to studying the Bible is explained and then applied to the different genres—letters, Gospels, parables, narratives, etc.—of Scripture.
Exploring the Holy Spirit

In Exploring the Holy Spirit we explore Scripture’s teaching on the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. After looking at the mystery behind the Spirit’s identity, as well as the way the Spirit has been viewed historically by the church, this study focuses on the person and work of the Spirit. Finally, a number of significant issues related to the Spirit are addressed: blasphemy against the Spirit, baptism in the Spirit, filling with the Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit (i.e., prophecy, tongues, healing).
Sign up for a small group
We'd love to get you connected to a class or small group. Fill out the form below to get started.
Our classes and small groups help people grow in their faith, their knowledge of God's Word, and build community. Our groups take place at different times and different places throughout the year, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!