Building on the Right Foundation

What have you placed your trust in?

Is it possible that there is really an all-powerful, all-knowing, completely holy creator? The Bible unashamedly claims there is. The Bible also reveals to us what we seem to know in our gut, something is terribly wrong in this world, namely sin. Sin is such a terrible offense against our holy creator that we all are condemned to eternal separation from God. That's terrible news! But there is hope, there is Good News! Jesus paid the penalty for your sin to be forgiven and for you to go to heaven.
I know what you're thinking: "What's the catch?" Faith. To go to heaven you must place your faith, your trust in life and death in the work of Jesus Christ. 

Here's how it works:


God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them out of nothing to bring Him glory.


Adam and Eve rebelled against God and as a result sin deformed the created order making us spiritually dead and that in our spiritual death you can do nothing to earn God's favor by our own efforts.


Trusting the finished work of Jesus Christ is the only way to have a restored relationship with God, so that you were once dead in sin and now have been made alive in Christ.


A true disciple of Christ will strive to live in obedience to Christ demonstrating that he has been changed by the power of God.


We possess the hope of heaven. We keep our eyes fixed on things of eternal value while looking forward to the second coming of Christ.